Tuesday, July 10, 2012

CDC Denies Existance of Zombies

Despite the increase in cannibal cases, the unknown chemical spills and mysterious rashes, many zombie enthusiasts are staring compelling evidence right in the face. The CDC itself, despite having a zombie preparation part of their webpage available, says that there is basically no chance of zombies.
The one thing that they don't realize is that you don't need the dead to rise from the grave to have zombies. As seen in 28 Days Later the zombies themselves could be created by a virus. This is again being disputed by the  CDC. The newest idea is the prospect that "bath salts" could initially be the cause of zombies. As discussed in a previous post, the increase in cannibal cases can almost be directly linked to this "new drug".
But the evidence above such as the rashes, chemical spills and people chewing and or eating other people, is nothing to worry about.

Nothing to worry about?
Who are they trying to fool?

According to a recent CDC interview they commented that they do not know of any virus or any condition that would create zombie like behavior.

If anyone on this site has read through the zombie survival guide on this blog they'd know the CDC is lying.

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