Monday, August 20, 2012

A New Drug and One Thing in Common

A new drug known as "Cloud 9" is said to be the cause of the Zombie attacks.

A of over the counter bath salts that works like ecstasy is being cautioned as the cause of the recent zombie like attacks. The drug is said to give users extreme heart palpitations, nausea, hallucinations and paranoia. Yet what is not understood is if it is the drug that is creating the cannibalistic behavior and if it is, how.

The One Thing in Common

In the cases that I have researched many of them include either the idea of "bath salts" or an "unknown substance." What this says to this particular researcher thinks is that possibly someone wants a zombie apocalypse and they are "testing their product."

Recent Attacks?

Man Eats Roommate's Dog
Waco, Texas June 26th 2012

Police say that Michael Terron Daniel claimed to be on a "bad-trip" and began attacking his roommates. Daniel then turned and attacked his roommate's dog, He choked the animal then began gnawing on it. His roommates did not press charges.

Man Bites off a Chunk of another Man's Arm
June 21st 2012 Palmetto Florida

"Under the influence" of an "unknown substance" Charles Barker went into a fit of rage biting off a chunk of another man's arm. Just like the case of the "Miami Zombie" Barker stripped off his clothes and was completely naked while attacking. Multiple police attempts to subdue Barker failed.