Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Update on the "Miami Zombie"

According to my research, though a lot of information has yet to be released on the case, Rudy Eugene was found with no flesh in his stomach. (Meaning that he wasn't actually eating the flesh, he was chewing on it.) Toxicology reported that the "suspected culprit" in this gruesome act was "bath salts". These salts whose chemical makeup mimic that of heavier drugs such as PCP, cocaine, methamphetamine and Extasy are said to be the cause of violent drug induced psychosis which caused Eugene to attack the homeless man. Eugene's ex-girlfriend has also stated that he had been prone to violence and drug use.

Upon even further research it turns out toxicology was wrong about bath salts. He only had THC (marijuana) in his system. I have NEVER read any case files in which a person under the influence of this particular drug has become cannibalistic. Which begs the question, what was REALLY going on with Rudy Eugene?

What I find somewhat odd about bath salts is that despite their chemical similarities with the heavier drugs, there are no documented cases of cannibal like violence while under the influence of these other drugs. Bath salts, which have been created by rogue chemists for years before their sky rocket to popularity as a street drug. So why bath salts? Why are these harmlessly named products causing these violent outbursts that have produced cannibal-like behavior? Something tells me there's more than meets the eye with this new "drug".

Premier Issue of ZOMBIE NATION

Out this month! In a combination of weapon tactics, hand to hand combat,  pop-culture and a mass load of the most badass guns I have ever seen! Zombie Nation is the Us's first official Zombie orientated magazine. After reading it cover to cover I can can say with confidence that this mag rocks! I can't wait for the next issue. Minus the insane amount of gun advertisements, the gems of information are well put together, practical and entertaining to read. The next issue is due out in August.
If you are interested in checking it out for yourselves it's $8.99 at Shopko or at your local bookstore magazine rack!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mysterious Rashes on Teachers and Students


Broward County school officials say they don't know what caused students at two schools to break out in a red, itches rash. Lauderdale Lakes Middle School was locked down on Wednesday morning while a hazmat squad from the Broward Sheriff's Office investigated.The South Florida SunSentinel ( reports four students and a teacher in a science classroom had a red rash on their wrists. They were not working with chemicals. The newspaper reports they were treated at a hospital and released.On May 16, 12 students and two teachers at McArthur High School in Hollywood came down with a similar rash.

Read more here:

Toxic Chemical Spills In Florida & Nebraska

On May 19th, an unknown chemical was released in the Fort Lauderdale airport, sending five people to the hospital. Police have yet to identify the substance. Strangely enough this is not the first case of a "unknown chemical" spill. In the Louisville State Recreational center in Nebraska a train was reported for it's "propane like" smell. The recreational area was evacuated. The unknown chemical substances has yet to be identified. Considering the fact that this happened within a day of each other makes me think that this is not an isolated case.