Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Updated Z.O.R.T. Logo!

Welcome to Lincoln Nebraska's New and Improved Zombie Fighters!

Limited Information

The one thing that I find rather odd about strange circumstances, in regard to zombie-like behavior, is that once the initial report has been filed it is difficult to find any further information regarding the case. Stranger still is that the general public seems to ignore the evidence and move on with their daily lives. (Which is all well and good mind you.) But it makes me wonder why? Doesn't the general populace have a right to know what is going on in the world around them? I think so.
In 2010 in Lincoln Nebraska one such case caught my eye. It was on the morning news (1011 channel). A man had shot another man who appeared sick, disorientated and violent. The shooter told police that the other man had tried to attack him and that's when he open fired. The case was reported only once, and no follow up material on the case subject has been found. Then this case in Miami (detailed in the previous posting) over Memorial Day weekend.
Information suppression is something that is common place. Most communities feel that "by letting the public know what is really going on it may cause pandemonium." But I believe that the "not-knowing" should be the thing that causes the uproars, especially when the subject matter is sensitive in nature. A man ate another man's face. A man shot another man because he was going to be attacked. It all seems strange. Don't build "hype" just state facts.
 I have spoken to several people in regards to this Miami case and I will show you what they think of it:

"Did you hear about that zombie in Miami? It's coming. I knew the world was going to end." -Cashier at Shopko, Lincoln

"I seriously think that the government had something to do with it. I mean they are constantly working on things that the general public has no idea of." -Coworker, Lincoln

"Disease, drugs, government, to be honest with you, all of it could be right. Haven't you heard of biological warfare and the Manchurian Candidate? All I know is that one guy ate another guy's face, that isn't normal." -Bus rider, Lincoln

I am a firm believer that one day Mother Nature, the government etc. will figure out a way of population control and like the plagues, human beings will go through hell to survive and prove that they are top of the food chain. Zombies may just be our next great human battle. (I personally hope it is.) But the only way to know for certain what is going on is if we as the general public are allowed to know the details of "sensitive" cases of that nature. Cases like these used to be rare, however in the last few years they have increased. Despite the fact that most, if not all detail is suppressed. So to those of you reading this, do your research. Because I don't want to see any of you mauled and half eaten like that man in Miami!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Natural Disease or Hollywood Fiction?

There is no doubt that Zombies have become a Hollywood phenomena. Movies, TV, nothing seems to be out of the reach of their cold dead hands!
But when it comes down to it, how realistic are Zombies? It is unlikely that the dead will actually rise, science has been trying for years without success. Brain death occurs within the first 5 to 8 minutes after the heart stops and the lungs cease to function. Within nature itself, there are many diseases that mimic a zombie like state. (This is covered in the Survival Guide below) The only other thing that could lead to this type of behavior is deep psychosis, even though there are no documented cases of people consuming others like flesh eating fiends. Something strange has happened though which lends credit to the zombie.

A Miami cop was hailed as a hero Sunday for fatally shooting a naked, crazed cannibal who refused orders to stop chewing on the face of another nude man. Officials said the courageous officer saved the victim from being killed, but the growling, carnivorous culprit left the man’s face mauled beyond recognition.“Based on the information provided, our Miami police officer is a hero and saved a life,” Javier Ortiz, spokesman for Miami police’s Fraternal Order of Police told the Miami Herald. Detectives were still trying to identify the victim, believed to be a homeless man, and his flesh-eating attacker Sunday. The name of the cop who shot the maniac was being withheld by authorities. The critically injured victim was treated in the intensive care unit of the Ryder Trauma Center in Miami. Police sources told CBS Miami that the victim’s entire face was eaten in the attack.The Hannibal Lecter wanna-be kept biting the victim’s face even after being shot once, prompting the officer to unleash a deadly barrage of gunfire to stop the savage attack. The shooting happened within feet of Memorial Day weekend traffic zooming by on the MacArthur Causeway, which connects downtown Miami to South Beach. Sgt. Altarr Williams, of the Miami police’s homicide unit, said the suspect was not armed, but that did not make him any less dangerous. “There are other ways to injure people,” Williams said. “Some people know martial arts, others are very strong and can kill you with their hands.” The bizarre, zombie like encounter unfolded at 2 p.m. Saturday on a pedestrian walkway alongside the bustling six-lane MacArthur Causeway. Police said a woman witnessed the two naked men fighting and flagged down the cop, described as a “road ranger.” Another witness, Larry Vega, told local news station WSVN that the attacker “was like tearing [the victim\] to pieces with his mouth.”But the attacker “kept eating the other guy away like ripping his skin,” Vega said. After spotting the suspect on top of the victim — chewing at his face — the officer used a loudspeaker to order the attacker to stop and back away from the injured man, police said. When the suspect ignored repeated orders, the cop opened fire, officials said.
Part of the confrontation involving the cop was caught on security cameras outside the nearby Miami Herald building. The video showed the cop drawing his gun, but his use of deadly force was obstructed by monorail tracks running over the walkway. The video also shows the bare legs and feet of both men sprawled on the walkway, the victim flailing his legs in apparent pain. Cops did not reveal if detectives have determined why the men were both naked. Police sources theorize that the attacker could have been in the throes of “cocaine psychosis,” an effect that heats up a drug user’s body temperature, making him strip in an attempt to cool down. But officials said they won’t know if the nude attacker was under the influence of drugs until an autopsy and toxicology exam are completed. “As with all active investigations, there are many details that cannot be discussed until we have gathered all the facts,” the police department said in a statement Sunday.
“Detectives are still trying to gather details and urging any passersby who might have seen something to contact them.”

This type of behavior does not happen in human society. So what caused it? Disease? Psychosis? Or was it really a Zombie?
Pay attention to the news reports. Strange things are happening!

C.Z.S.S. / Z.O.R.T. Members List

Dani S. (C.Z.S.S.) # 101
Andrew L. (C.Z.S.S./ Z.O.R.T.) #201
Brianna O. (C.Z.S.S.) # 301
Chris O (C.Z.S.S.) #401
Syn S. (C.Z.S.S./ Z.O.R.T.) #501
Sara S. (C.Z.S.S./ Z.O.R.T.) #601
Kandra P. (C.Z.S.S.) #701
Amanda E. (C.Z.S.S./ Z.O.R.T.) #801
Blake S. (C.Z.S.S./ Z.O.R.T.) #901
Jeremy F. (C.Z.S.S./Z.O.R.T.) #1001

Lincoln Z.O.R.T. Welcomes New Members!

February 2012 and May 2012, June 2012
Sara S.
Amanda E.
Blake S.
Jeremy F.
were welcomed into the Z.O.R.T. after receiving their C.Z.S.S. certifications! Congrats to all the new members!